I dream of the first times
the longest memory
I speak of the first times
the oldest father
I sing of the first times
and the dawn of Darkness
In Nod, where the light of Paradise
lit up the sky and
the tears of our
parents wet the ground
Each of us, in our out way,
set about to live and take
our sustenance from the land
And I, first-born Caine, I,
with sharp things,
planted the dark seeds
wet the earth
tended them, watched them grow
And Abel, second-born Abel
tended the animals
aided their bloody births
fed them watched them grow
I loved him, my Brother
He was the brightest
The sweetest.
The strongest.
He was the first part
of all my joy.
Then one day
our Father said to us,
Caine, Abel
to Him Above you must make a sacrifice
a gift of the first part
of all that you have
And I, first-born Caine,
I gathered the tender shoots
the brightest fruits
the sweetest grass
And Abel, second-born, Abel
slaughtered the youngest
the strongest,
the sweetest of his animals
On the alter of our Father
we laid our sacrifices
and lit fire under them
and watched the smoke carry them
up to the One Above
The sacrifice of Abel, second-born,
smelled sweet to the One Above
and Abel was blessed.
And, I, first-born Caine, I
was struck from beyond by
a harsh word and a curse,
for my sacrifice was unworthy.
I looked at Abel's sacrifice,
still smoking, the flesh, the blood.
I cried, I held me eyes
I prayed in the night and day
And when Father said
the time for Sacrifice
has come again
And Abel
led his youngest,
his sweetest,
his most beloved
to the sacrificial fire
I did not bring my youngest,
my sweetest, for I knew the
One Above would not want them.
And my brother, beloved Abel
said to me
"Caine, you did not bring a sacrifice,
a gift of the first part of your joy
to burn on the alter of the One Above."
I cried tears of love as I,
with sharp things,
sacrificed that which was the
first part of my joy, my brother.
But my Father said
"Cursed are you, Caine,
who killed your brother.
As I was cast out so shall you be."
And He exiled me to wander in Darkness,
the land of Nod.
I flew into the Darkness
I saw no source of light
and I was afraid.
And alone.
The Book of NodCopyRight 1993 by White Wolf